
The Australian Curriculum is taught in our school. 

We use the curriculum to: 

  • plan student learning 
  • monitor and assess student progress 
  • report student progress to parents 
  • support student wellbeing. 

The curriculum learning areas are: 

  • English  
  • Mathematics  
  • Science  
  • Humanities and Social Sciences – History, Geography, Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship 
  • The Arts – Dance, Drama, Music, Media Arts, Visual Arts 
  • Technologies – Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies 
  • Health and Physical Education  
  • Languages – AUSLAN 

Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.


The study of English is central to the learning and development of all young Australians. It helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. The study of English plays a key role in the development of reading and literacy skills which help young people develop the knowledge and skills needed for education, training and the workplace. It helps them become ethical, thoughtful, informed and active members of society. 

At SHPS, all classes across the site engage in a consistent timetabled literacy block in the morning. Students R-2 are exposed to the InitiaLit program, providing the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful readers and writers, while students 3-6 undertake the Spelling Through Morphographs program designed to give older students the tools they need to learn to spell and read more complex language.  



Learning mathematics creates opportunities for and enriches the lives of all Australians. The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built. 


HASS- Humanities and Social Sciences

The Humanities and Social Sciences are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. The Humanities and Social Sciences have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and consider challenges for the future. 

In the Australian Curriculum, the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area includes a study of history, geography, civics and citizenship and economics and business. 

Through studying Humanities and Social Sciences, students will develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change. Thinking about and responding to issues requires an understanding of the key historical, geographical, political, economic and societal factors involved, and how these different factors interrelate.  

Humanities and Social Sciences 

The Arts


In the Australian Curriculum, The Arts is a learning area that draws together related but distinct art forms. While these art forms have close relationships and are often used in interrelated ways, each involves different approaches to arts practices and critical and creative thinking that reflect distinct bodies of knowledge, understanding and skills. The curriculum examines past, current and emerging arts practices in each art form across a range of cultures and places. 

The Arts comprises five subjects: 

  • Dance 
  • Drama 
  • Media Arts 
  • Music 
  • Visual Arts. 

At SHPS, Music is delivered by a specialist teacher. 

The Arts 

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is required for all children and young people in our school. It’s taught each year by teachers who have completed a full-day KS:CPC training course.  

It teaches children to: 

  • recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it 
  • understand what touching is appropriate and inappropriate  
  • understand ways of keeping themselves safe. 

Visit Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers for more information.